Hope and Perseverance - Week 3

In the third installment of our sermon series “Family Values,” we explore the vital themes of Hope and Perseverance from Romans 8:22-31 (NLT). In this passage, we see that both creation and believers groan under the weight of sin and suffering, eagerly awaiting the glorious future God has promised. Even in our weakness, the Holy Spirit empowers us, helping us pray in ways words cannot express, and assures us that God's plan is for our ultimate good. We must trust in this hope, which Hebrews 6:18-20a calls a steadfast anchor for the soul, offering us confidence to endure even in the most challenging times.

Families, like individuals, face trials, and no family is free from dysfunction. From Cain’s tragic actions to Jesus' parents losing Him in the temple, Scripture reveals that imperfection is common in every family. Yet, through hope in God’s promises, we are empowered to persevere. Hope is not just an emotion, but a way of thinking that keeps our eyes focused on the prize—the good God is working in us and through us. This hope, grounded in God’s Word, strengthens us to model the fruits of the Spirit, as outlined in Galatians 5:22-23, while avoiding the destructive works of the flesh.

Ultimately, the message is clear: God’s plan for your family is greater than what you may see right now. A Christ-centered family finds its hope in God’s long-term plan and perseveres with patience and confidence in His promises.