In this first sermon of the Family Values series, we explore the powerful message of Matthew 7:24-27, where Jesus emphasizes the importance of building our lives—and by extension, our families—on a solid foundation. Jesus compares those who hear His words and act on them to a wise man who builds his house on the rock, able to withstand life's storms. Conversely, those who hear but do not act are likened to a foolish man who builds on sand, and when trials come, his house falls with a great crash.
A Christ-centered home begins with a Christ-centered individual. The health of your family is directly influenced by the foundation you set, and more importantly, by the example you live. Children often "catch" values through observation rather than formal teaching. They model what they see in us. If our faith is genuine and lived out, it will be reflected in the way we lead and guide our families.
Research shows that hypocrisy is one of the primary reasons people reject Christianity. Barna's report reveals that 67% of people who doubt the faith cite seeing inconsistency in believers' lives as a major concern. Our faith must be authentic to inspire trust and lasting change. Acts 10:2 describes Cornelius as a devout man whose faith influenced his whole household. Is your house built on the solid rock of faith? Remember, a faith that’s lived is a faith that lasts.