Heartbreak is something we all experience—loss, rejection, disappointment. But the good news is that Jesus understands our pain. He doesn’t just sympathize; He feels it. In Matthew 9:36, we see that when Jesus looked at the crowds, He was moved with deep, gut-wrenching compassion (splagchnizomai). He saw their struggles, their loneliness, their heartbreak. And He responded with love.
As we continue our He Gets Us series, this sermon challenges us to see people the way Jesus did—to truly see their pain, not just look past it. In 1 Samuel 16:7, we’re reminded that God looks at the heart, not outward appearances. If we want to be the Church the world needs, we must embrace Jesus' mission: to love, serve, and bring hope to the broken.
But compassion isn’t passive—it moves us to action. Jesus didn’t just see the crowds; He prayed for workers and called His disciples to go. The harvest is plentiful (Matthew 9:37-38), and Jesus invites us to step into the mission. Will we be the answer to His prayer? Will we live sent lives, showing the world the love and compassion of Christ?
Jesus gets our heartbreak. Now, let’s go and be His hands and feet to a hurting world.