In the second message of the Cracking the Christmas Code series, we uncover The Point of Christmas. This season is not about indulging in traditions or becoming consumed by consumerism—it’s about being transformed by the life-altering truth of Christ’s birth. Christmas invites us to let the awe of the King shape our hearts and actions.
First, we must Know Who Jesus Really Is. He is not just a cultural figure or a nostalgic image from a nativity scene—He is the King of Kings. As the wise men sought Him with reverence, Herod resisted His authority out of fear. Will you seek the truth or cling to your comfort zone?
Second, Investigate the Truth for Yourself. Herod’s priests knew the prophecies but lacked the faith to follow them. The wise men, on the other hand, acted on the truth, traveling far to encounter Christ. Are you willing to go beyond tradition and truly pursue Him?
Finally, Respond How You Want to Be Remembered. The wise men worshiped with joy and generosity, while Herod reacted with destruction and fear. How you respond to the King this Christmas will leave a legacy.
Christmas is more than a story—it’s a call to surrender to the One who came to save us. Let this season ignite joy, worship, and transformation in your life.