In “The One Who Holds All Things Together,” we continue our We're Not Gonna Take It series by exploring Daniel’s example of faithful endurance in the face of political tension and cultural challenges. When King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem and brought Daniel and others to Babylon, they faced intense pressure to conform. Yet, God was always at work, reminding Daniel and his friends that He holds ultimate authority. When Nebuchadnezzar had troubling dreams no one could interpret, Daniel, through God’s revelation, showed the king that wisdom and power belong to God alone (Daniel 2:19-23).
This sermon will delve into how we can respond to our culture with the same conviction that God is in control, even in uncertain times. By embracing the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we can speak life and wisdom into a world of confusion (Acts 6:3). Recognizing that we live in seasons of hostility, harvest, and holiness (Luke 21:28, Matthew 24:10-14, 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6), we are called to stand firm, knowing that our Redeemer lives and holds all things together (Job 19:25). As we navigate the world, let’s remember our greater purpose—to live as children of light, embracing the times with courage and faith, just as Daniel did.