Join us for our first sermon in our series, "Rock'em Sock'em Relationships," with a powerful sermon titled "Don't Throw in the Towel." In times of struggle, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and ready to give up. But before you throw in the towel, consider these four crucial reminders: First, remember that God sees and understands your troubles intimately. You are not alone in your struggles. Second, acknowledge that while you may feel weak, God's strength is inexhaustible, always available to sustain you. Third, understand that difficult seasons are just that—seasons. They will pass, and you will emerge stronger. Lastly, real strength comes from trusting in God's provision, not solely from your own efforts. By placing your trust in Him, you will find renewed strength and the ability to overcome any challenge. Join us as we explore these empowering truths and learn to persevere with unwavering faith.