Sermon Notes

The # 1 Thing That’s Fought  About in Relationships Today

Join us for the next installment in our series, "ROCK’EM SOCK’EM RELATIONSHIPS," as we delve into the #1 thing causing strife in relationships today. Ever wondered how to balance the limited time we have with the myriad of activities life throws our way? Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us, "For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.”

Indeed, there's a time for everything, but we often struggle with prioritizing amidst life's demands (Ecclesiastes 3:2-8). Relationships can suffer when we prioritize anything or anyone over our loved ones, leading to erosion over seasons.

Yet, there's hope. Ecclesiastes 3:9-12 teaches us that God has made everything beautiful in its time and planted eternity in our hearts. When we value each other above the seasons of life, relationships thrive.

Moreover, recognizing God's gifts and enjoying them together strengthens bonds (Ecclesiastes 3:13). So, let's discover how to navigate life's seasons while cherishing the precious gift of love. Join us as we explore how to make the most of the time we have with those we cherish.